Transmit Data

英 [trænzˈmɪt ˈdeɪtə] 美 [trænzˈmɪt ˈdeɪtə]

网络  发送数据; 串口数据输出; 传输数据; 数据发送



  1. The ability to transmit data at super-high speeds within and between server racks will be a paradigm-shifter for data center design, allowing for far more efficient and capable computing and data centers.
  2. As defined in Wikipedia, the Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol ( IP).
  3. Each CICS system uses IPCONN to transmit data to the partner system, and uses TCPIPSERVICE as a receiver.
  4. The FIN indicates that no more data is to be sent by this endpoint, but until the peer closes its end of the socket, it may continue to transmit data.
  5. This technique is often used to transmit data between iframes or between HTML pages and embedded iframes.
  6. Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL): Secure Sockets Layer is a communication protocol developed by Netscape to transmit data securely over the network.
  7. Pertaining to equipment or methods that transmit data from either magnetic tape or punched tape to punched cards.
  8. Adopt data broadcast mode transmit data which need high real time ability, enable the process of the client terminal which distributed in net webs can receive the newest data.
  9. A transport defines how applications access and transmit data between the front end and back end.
  10. This new model in control minimizes the network traffic required to transmit data to devices.
  11. The node can collect, process and transmit data of gas concentration, CO concentration, temperature and humidity of underground working face by microcontroller and wireless transmission module.
  12. A secure server can transmit data encrypted.
  13. Some hardware can bypass the main memory altogether and transmit data directly to another device.
  14. It allows you to receive and transmit data through the COM port and configure any COM port properties.
  15. Continuing to use routine channels of data transmission, such as FluID, FluNet, and EUROFlu, to transmit data from the routine surveillance of respiratory disease;
  16. The busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system. They invented an I/ o bridge having a programmable multiple pci bus.
  17. In packet networks, ATM, frame relay and IP organize and transmit data in collections of bytes, or packets.
  18. In an Ethernet LAN, how does the NIC know when it can transmit data?
  19. Packet-switched data under GPRS is achieved by allocating unused cell bandwidth to transmit data.
  20. The lower frequency signals carry power, while the higher frequency signals can transmit data.
  21. Unable to transmit data to the device. Please verify the device connections.
  22. A circuit used to transmit data on low voltage power line is designed and presented in this paper.
  23. Off-line data transmission is simply the use of a telephone or similar link to transmit data without involving a computer system.
  24. An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
  25. Digital Power line uses a network, known as a High Frequency Conditioned Power Network ( HFCPN), to transmit data and electrical signals.
  26. IP PACK is a software package; it can transmit data on the Ethernet.
  27. It can transmit data of controlling instead of conductor loop in other mirror process and can be widely used in other fields of wireless serial communication.
  28. Its advantage is that a sender can transmit data easily.
  29. The disruption tolerant network is a new network which is used to transmit data through frequent intermittently-connected networks.
  30. The experimental results indicate that the communication protocol is able to transmit data accurately.